Higher Diploma
This Programme provides students and professionals with very useful and practical knowledge, insights and awareness of the contemporary challenges facing retail managers - and provides the skills to understand and tackle these challenges. Covering a wide breadth of retail, merchandising, supply-chain and customer-focused operations, it provides access to employment in three key areas: the people, process…
Sales and marketing are vital to every organisation - the importance of sales and marketing, and understanding, satisfying and managing the needs and expectations of clients - cannot be underestimated. This popular and successful Programme provides study and training to become knowledgeable and to develop a successful career in this vital and important field of…
Effective materials management and administration is essential for every business, organisation and enterprise which holds stocks or inventory items, is involved in transport, logistics and supply, or which resources and purchases items. There is a huge range of jobs and career paths potentially available in this field, which are both enjoyable and rewarding. Furthermore, covering strategic aspects…
Understanding of health and safety issues in the, and how to assess, implement, monitor and control workplace safety as an integral part of management, supervision and organisation is probably the most influential factor affecting modern managers, HR and supervisory roles, and contemporary business activities. Focusing on these important features, as well as legal matters, and on…
This Programme focuses on the role, actions and activities of the Human Resource function, the HR manager and HR personnel. It explains the responsibilities of HR and how to undertake HR duties and tasks effectively. The Programme covers a wide range of related, specialised and interesting subjects including advanced motivation, management and leadership. It also offers the opportunity…
This interesting, very business-oriented Programme covers very many important elements of business, business development, and overseas trade, as well as business management, administration and organisation. It is appropriate and advantageous for all current managers, business people and owners, and any personnel involved in trying to run a business or department effectively or trying to increase…
The future is a “blank canvas” for a person well-trained, knowledgeable and competent in aspects of management, administration and leadership, and with key and important knowledge and understanding of managing and efficiently operating computer & IT systems and networks. These skills are vital in ALL businesses, firms and organisations, whether privately owned, publicly/nationally owned, or run…
Management and Administration is required, indeed it is essential, for every business, organisation, enterprise and endeavour; therefore, studying this excellent programme and learning to understand, implement and carry out managerial activities competently and at a high level will provide you with a huge range of very good job opportunities, and the skills need to develop…
This Honours Diploma Programme is the path to career success and good positions for a very wide range of administrative, managerial and related areas. Having studied a wide range of workplace office management topics, computer, computer systems and IT topics and advanced management and administration subjects including motivation, leadership and strategy, the knowledge and ability to…
This Honours Diploma Programme is a sensible and beneficial one for anybody looking for a safe and secure career, and considering a move into managerial roles. Every organisation and workplace requires staff skilled and knowledgeable in office management, secretarial/administrative matters and with effective English skills. Covering advanced management and administration subjects including motivation, leadership and strategy, this…