The Program prepares men and women for employment and advancement, and to better conduct their current and future roles, in the public or civil service; they may become central or local government public administrators or employees working in departments and agencies at any levels of government. And because much of this understanding and knowledge is applicable to many areas of management and policy the careers available outside of public administration are also opened up.
- The nature and roles of public administration in the world of changing public expectations.
- Public administration in the implementation of government policy and its effect on the daily lives of citizens.
- The institutional setting of public administration.
- Public administration organisational structures; central government.
- The public sector, the environment, “green” policies; gauging their impact and outcomes; implementation of environmental/green policies.
- The civil or public service: public administrators, duties and responsibilities.
- The correct behaviour towards the public.
- Traditional roles of public servants, recent changes, the modern civil or public service.
- Economy, efficiency and equity in public administration.
- Human resource management: recruitment, training, remuneration, supervision and control.
- Promotion – vertical and horizontal – in public administration.
- Integration, continuity and change in public administration.
- Structure and functions of local administration.
- Duties and responsibilities of local administration officials, local government service, bureaucracies.
- Elected and employed officials, central government control.
- Financing the public sector, allocating resources for central and local administration, budgets and budgetary control, financial control, audits.
- Independent public bodies.
- Health and voluntary agencies.
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