The field of event management is growing rapidly, covering key aspects of project management, and including skills and ability important in a very wide range of business, commercial, private and public fields, including for tourism, trade, social, company events and more; such skills are looked for by employers in employees destined for successful careers in events management, or in other fields such as management, project management, public relations and many more. The Program is ideal for people who are already employed in an events management role, or who wish to enter this important career area, or who wish to open an events management business, or who have events to manage.
The Event Project:
- The modern events industry; categories, sizes and scopes of events.
- Events as projects, adapting project management techniques.
- Event stakeholders.
- Event creation, the “five Ws”, feasibility, the “WOW factor”, themes.
Event Personnel:
- The event manager: duties and responsibilities, skills, abilities and expertise needed.
- Event teams: make-up and personnel, creative teams.
- Managing diverse groups and short-term teams.
- Interpersonal communication skills, decision making skill, time management.
Event Planning:
- The event concept and purpose, vision and mission statements.
- Event strategy, setting SMART goals, SWOT analysis.
- Lead time, event dates, influencing factors, venue considerations.
- Event action plans, an event business plan, event documentation.
Event Budgets & Finance:
- Financial forecasts and projections, developing the budget, budgetary control.
- Sources of income: entry and entrance fees, sponsorship, merchandise sales, concessions.
- Typical event expenditure items.
- Financial planning, accounting and control, final accounts.
Corporate Sponsorship:
- What sponsorship involves, benefits sponsors seek.
- Identifying, targeting approaching potential sponsors.
- Sponsorship packages: typical components, pricing considerations, costs involved.
- Sponsorship proposals, documentation, agreements or contracts; on-going relations with sponsors.
Event Venues:
- Basic and critical factors in venue selection and suitability: location, dimensions, environment, facilities, dates, availability.
- Prices and terms, rental agreements, conditions, booking.
- Site visits, non-traditional venues.
- Food and beverages at events, organising supplies, services, equipment, furniture.
Event Program & Schedule:
- Main, core, secondary, support and ancillary activities.
- Timing and sequencing of event activities, Gantt charts, multiple and concurrent activities.
- Contingency plans.
- Production of printed programmes.
Legal Issues & Insurance for Events:
- Responsibilities under the law, copyright, licenses and permits, sanctioning, performing rights, disability issues.
- Features of legally binding contracts and agreements.
- Quotations for supplies of goods and services, purchase orders.
- Insurance cover, claims, indemnity.
Logistics & Production:
- Assessing resources needed; logistics to ensure flows of resources, materials, people, access, egress.
- Safe placement of equipment & services, sanitary facilities.
- Information, safety, welfare signage, emergencies, site/venue maps.
- Litter and waste management.
Event Health & Safety:
- Duty of care, risk assessments, risk control, accident prevention.
- Crowd control, hazards presented by crowds, queue management, uses of barriers and fencing.
- Incident and emergency planning & procedures, safe evacuation, shows stops.
- Transport and electricity hazards.
Marketing & Promotion:
- Creating public awareness of an event, promotional campaigns.
- Market research and strategy, SMART marketing objectives, the marketing mix.
- Marketing tools: printed materials, media advertising, online adverts, websites, viral marketing.
- Post-event evaluation and reports, audience research.
Starting and Building Events Businesses:
- Reasons for starting events businesses, finding a niche, deciding types of events to focus on, and the right business unit.
- The business plan and capital, working from home.
- Securing clients, social media, websites, referrals, goodwill.
- Fees structures, accounting, insurance.